With interest rates so high, the number of people buying houses has dropped. People are priced out or are hesitant to give up their current mortgage rate for a much higher one by moving.
This is creating a crisis in the housing market. You’ve probably seen this going on in your neighborhood.
But there’s an opportunity in that crisis.
Because even though people aren’t buying houses, they still need places to live.
This has created a boom in the rental market and the increased demand is driving up rental prices since occupancy rates have been very high for some time now.
This combination has made multi-family units in certain areas a smoking-hot investment.
I cover this in the video “Following the Money: Taking Advantage of the Extremes in the Real Estate Market”. You can watch that by clicking HERE.
In that video I show you how we follow the real estate investor’s money to find hidden opportunities and how you can get in on the ground floor.
Opportunities like this are always hidden somewhere in every crisis, the key is to follow the money.
P.S. I didn’t even mention the preferred equity investment, which I think is an even more exciting investment related to AI and the energy deficit we are headed for. Click HERE to watch the video